Goals & Objectives

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“One of the top ten research institutions in the Southeast Asian region.”



By 2020, Palawan State University should be able to generate, adapt and transfer technologies and processes towards:

  1. regeneration or rehabilitation of degraded areas;
  2. mitigation of disaster and adaptation to climate change;
  3. conservation of biodiversity;
  4. maintenance of socio-cultural and linguistic diversity  and
    documentation of endangered languages ;
  5. added value to existing major and unique products and services of Palawan;
    prevention of diseases (e.g. functional food, drug discovery and development, Information and Communications Technology in health);
  6. economic mobility and sustainable environmental management in the Brunei-Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines-East Asian Growth Area (BIMP-EAGA) Region; and
  7. exploration of renewable and nonrenewable resources;
  8. eco development and green economy; and
  9. technology and business incubation, agri-tourism and entrepreneurial development, and economic growth